Fairy tower

This fairy house was my first creation using boxes and paper mache. It is a sloooow process! (Wait, everything is a slow process when you have a little person helping you out 🙂 ) I just work on it when I can, and it is slowly coming along…

Fairy house in progress by Beneath the Ferns 1 Fairy house in progress by Beneath the Ferns 2


The fairy tower, and a “Norwegian Stave Church” inspired fairy house still in progress…

Fairy house in progress by Beneath the Ferns stave house


It seems every time I turn around, I find someone has placed Anna and Elsa on the top balcony…
Fairy house in progress by Beneath the Ferns 1

The grey color is the base color that I spray painted inside…now to paint the outside…
Fairy house in progress by Beneath the Ferns 5

I’ve just added some paint to the fairy house, and am starting the shake roof. It takes a long time! (And a lot of glue!)
Fairy house miniature shake roof garden beneath the ferns

The smaller areas call for smaller shake shingles…
Fairy house miniature shake roof fantasy beneath the ferns

Fairy house miniature shake roof princess tower beneath the ferns


I finally have the roof done!!!

Fairy gardens house miniature scale tower by beneath the ferns two

Fairy gardens house miniature scale tower by beneath the ferns

Fairy gardens house miniature scale tower by beneath the ferns three


This door is going to have a bridge attached to it that leads to another fairy house…

Fairy gardens house miniature scale tower by beneath the ferns four


Front view of the fairy tower…

Fairy gardens house miniature scale tower by beneath the ferns close up front


Why can’t I live here????

Fairy gardens house miniature scale tower by beneath the ferns close up


Thanks so much for looking! I still have a lot more to do, but will have to take a break since I’m having a baby soon, and there isn’t time for much else when they are so little! I’ll post more pictures as I get more done, and feel free to check out the other houses in my gallery section ♥


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