
Creating miniature furniture for my fairy garden can be a lot of fun! I love getting an idea in my head, and then seeing if it’s possible. Here are a few projects that I’ve made for my fairy house and garden with pictures to show the process and supplies you’ll need. If they inspire you to make something similar, I’d love to see what you make! And please leave a comment if you have any questions 🙂

1) How to make a mini leaf basket

miniature basket tutorial for fairy garden

Tutorial for miniature basket


2) How to make a miniature garden path

Fairy garden path tutorial miniature gardening

Fairy garden path tutorial


3) How to make a mossy fairy chair (coming soon)

fairy chair miniature faerie furniture tutorial

Tutorial for fairy furniture chair

10 thoughts on “Tutorials

  1. My daughter told me about your website. I am a fairy lover and I have a few fairy gardens in my window. I have had fun using grape vines from the store-bought grapes. You can shape them and let them dry. They make cute miniature mailbox posts, post for a birdhouse, or an arch. Good luck with your fairy book.


    • Thanks for the tips Dorothy! That is also very kind of your daughter to share the site with you 🙂 Do you mean grapes from the supermarket? I’ve never thought of trying things with those before, and I bet they look nice when you get something made with them. Thanks again for visiting my site! -Jessi


  2. I absolutely love your fairy houses, the designs are amazing but I do have to ask what happens when it rains? Do the fairy houses fall apart or are you putting something on to protect them?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I want to kjow if you ever did make the fairy house for outdoors. I am planning on making some and have been gathering materials. But just dont know how to tackle the roof. I & wino friends have been saving corks for me to cut up for shingles but just not sure of how to from the fountaion for the roof other than using wood. Any ideas on how to make weather proof roofs?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great question! I’m in the same boat…I want to make a weatherproof roof, and I think small shingles might work well, but that means I would have to cut each one out, and then nail them onto the roof. I think that would work, as long as the nails were long enough to go through a few layers of wood. I like your idea of wine corks… it would be pretty and also fun to collect them!


  4. I love this site and all your fairy wonders! I especially LOVE the ‘Cinderella Carriage’ with the bunny….that is actually AWESOME! I want to make one! I am going to try. BTW, you made your carriage from silicone mold…. I learned that you can make a mold for small things from HOT GLUE! I have tried this for some things to go onto my tiny books and it really works. I saw it on You Tube.

    I have been making some clay fairy homes, fairy furniture, some trees and a few other things such as teaCup fairy Gardens…love it all, can’t quit! I will be watching every move you make from here on out, lol!
    Good luck and keep creating! Thanks for sharing with us all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your kind words! The hot glue idea seems really cool, and I’ve never thought to use that. It would be especially nice just to make smaller pieces with it, and I bet it holds up better than silicone does. Thanks again for posting, and let us know what you come up with!


  5. Love,love,love your gnomes,the ones that show a lot of expression which adds so much to the character are my favorite. Really looking forward to seeing some more. My problem is when I see a grouping,I always like most expressive, but can’t find them for sale. Must be snapped up as soon as you create them

    Liked by 1 person

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